Skin Care

No.7 Purifying Heating Mask

Living away from home during my Uni days, constantly changing environment and diet, really messed my skin up. Blemish on blemish, dry skin and not getting enough sleep resulted in tiredness and that was all showing on my face.

After fixing my diet and trying to regulate it, I needed something where I could treat myself at the end of the day/week but wouldn’t take too much of my time as studying was my priority.

I went to boots and took a consultation from a lovely Lady working in the No.7 department. Obviously their job is to sell, but there was something about the No.7 Instant Results Purifying Heating Mask that I thought, let me give it ago.

The effortless part : It only takes 2 minutes!!!!

The cool part: It heats up as it touches your face!!!!

I find it quite useful when I need a deep cleanse and to unclog my pores from all the harsh chemicals I’ve been throwing on my face for days or weeks.

A little goes a long way, so all you need to do is to wet your face then using your fingers, just apply the mask evenly over your face and massage it in. Like you would with a normal face pack or cream, you just do it with this mask. Then let it settle for about 2 minutes and slowly massage it in your skin as you remove it with warm water and a sponge or a face cloth, whatever you prefer. You will instantly see a brightness and radiance in your face. It is quite remarkable to be quite honest and I love it, I do!

Benefits from this mask and details:

Keeping the skin cool is great for closing the pores and we’ve known to use cooling substances or products to help fight blemishes and spots etc. However, if your skin is prone to blemishes, acne and spots then preventing before they develop is probably the best thing. To do that, heat is great to open up the pores and remove the unwanted bacteria clogged up inside. This is exactly what this mask does!

This thermal mask heats up as it comes in contact with water, so having a damp face is important for it to open up the pores and draw out the impurities as you massage it in. The reason it does this is because it’s filled with pumice particles that exfoliate and sweep the dirt out, and it isn’t harsh on your skin. I know what you’re thinking, you can’t leave your pores open because it will clog up again and cause more spots. Well, that’s the beauty of it; as your rinse with luke warm water, it will tighten those pores up and leave your skin quite refreshed! If you think about it, I would say it’s actually pretty cool.

The reason I’m telling you about this mask is because I went to Boots wanting something that works but the lady even warned me that, depending on skin type and how often you do this you may start to develop more blemishes at first. I do thank her for being honest but to be quite honest, I was expecting it to be really bad and ending up with a bigger problem but that wasn’t the case. In fact, I probably came out with maybe one or two tiny blemishes and they would go away really fast. So I really wouldn’t worry and I would definitely recommend. Considering my skin to be sensitive, I would get blemishes just by touching my face or wearing makeup two days in a row even after thorough face washes. Hence, I highly recommend.

How I Use it:

Literally just put it on like a normal face mask, onto damp skin, then give it 2 minutes and start massaging it in circular motions. Avoid the under eye area as it is quite delicate, so you don’t want to cause unnecessary damage or light bruising which can cause dark circles too.

After 2 minutes just get a face cloth or sponge and really rinse it thoroughly with luke warm water to take it off (obviously) but it will tighten those pores back up leaving your skin looking really clean!

The Instant Results Purifying heating mask does leave your skin clean but it doesn’t feel hydrated enough for me. For obvious reasons it won’t as its for normal to oily skin, and its basically cleaning your face up, which is totally fine as for others this may not be the case. However, I feel as I do this mask in the evening I need something to hydrate my skin a little more for when I sleep so I either opt for my standard Aloe Vera Gel (check out my blog post for the benefits and all the details) or just a moisturiser of your choice. At the moment I like to use the Boots own brand cucumber daily moisturiser, and a little goes a long way with this product.

So in all honesty, I really love the Purifying Heating mask and it really makes me feel relaxed and clean. It does what it says on the tube, and it is so straight forward. It’s quick. It’s easy. You could do it before you get ready to go out and just begin your makeup routine on a fresh canvas, feeling refreshed for the night/day.

No.7 and it’s Packaging:

Old packaging

I’m all for No.7 Products because it’s affordable and it does the job. A lot of you may have already purchased this product however when you did, it may have looked like this (image to your left – Green/grey cap), but not to worry I was a little confused as I couldn’t find it online, and I walked into boots to ask. The lady at the counter working in the No.7 Department explained to me that, majority of the No.7 products have been re designed and packaged for a new look. So it is the same product but just a different packaging with an orange cap.

They have also released a totally new product in the skin care range which is the “No.7 Instant Results Revitalising Peel-Off Mask“, it comes right next to the heating mask so you cant miss it in store! I will leave a link to this product at the end of this post or you can click on the name above to lead you directly to their web page and get yourself an early Christmas present ;).

No.7 has an offer of 3 for 2 right now on selected products and on this Range too. You get the lowest price from the three products you choose, free! So go and check it out and maybe you could buy the two masks and treat yourself to something else in their range!

Be sure to follow my instagram @divinebeautyIG to keep updated on when I post next and be sure to give me a message or comment down below to let me know your favourite masks. Also let me know if you try this mask I’m looking forward to receive your feedback and experience with this mask!

Happy cleansing 🙂 x

A link to the The no.7 Purifying thermal mask:

A link to the NEW Peel off mask:

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