
Welcome to my blog!

Here’s a little bit about myself and what you’ll find on this blog:

For a long time I was struggling to find the right products that actually worked for my skin including make-up and skin care! I’m always looking out for new, improved natural products that can help the skin without any harsh chemicals and Vegan friendly. So I’m sharing this journey with you…

About 6 years ago, I practiced and self taught myself  how to thread eyebrows and gradually have ventured into the realm of Waxing, Facials and Mehndi (henna). Long story short I now have a home run business which is slowly growing as well as pursuing my dream in teaching 🙂

On my journey, I have picked up a couple of things about skin care and beauty, I’m constantly trying new things to see what’s best for not only my skin but also for my customers. So I thought why not share my experiences through the Internet where everyone can see …

I wanted to give something straight to the point. No Fuss. No Mess. Just the good, the bad and the ugly about some of the beauty products out there for us girls and guys.

So that brings us here…I am now basically writing blog posts about Beauty, Skin Care and positive thinking because that’s what I love to do! But also a positive mind can change a lot on both the inside and out.

So remember, Keep Smiling 😀 x

Ps. Curious? Feel free to ask me any questions or get in touch!

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