Stuck at Home
In situations like this, there is little that is in our control. The most we can do which is in our hands, is to stay home. Not only to protect yourself but those around you too. Not being able to see your friends and loved ones may seem heartbreaking now but the thought of being the reason they fall ill, is even worse and social distancing is the most sensible option. To be quite honest with you, it isn’t even an option. Just stay home. (Government guidlines to those who want to know more).
This is a heavy topic for many across the world and there a numerous people in light of all this, that are trying to spread positivity to keep us going. It is hard and I, myself have also found it hard to keep my head up high after hearing countless amount of news reports as well as, having family around you worry about how the next few months are going to go forward. This can impact the mental health massively. For many of us being “stuck” indoors with our family may seem like hell, but just know that many people do not have families to be with, a roof over their head or good sanitation to keep them going. This is a sign for us to be grateful for 1, our loved ones 2, our privilages and 3, technology to communicate, to research, and to educate. Our Earth has been healing during the times we are indoors, so let’s take this time to do some healing ourselves. It’s all about self care over here and spreading the love whilst we can. First of all, we need to raise our glasses to the front line Health Care workers, The Key workers and those who take care of the Key workers’ children. Thank you.
You’re in your house and you’re bored. You’re not, you’re lazy. That’s okay we have our days but let me tell you one thing, after this whole thing has settled you’re going to want to come out of quarantine with a glow, interally and externally. It is officially Glow Up season!
So what do we do when we’re at home and we feel we have nothing to do?
Well, fear no more; exciting and productive things to do during #quarantine:
1. Read!
I know it can seem tedious, I’ve been there. “I’m not much of a reader”, “I don’t really like books”, ” Books make me fall asleep”, “eurgh Words”. To those who have said these before or something similar… who said you had to read a series of JK Rowling or all the books of ancient history? Literally, no one. It can be as simple and as small as a children’s book ( these are actually fun – I am also a teacher… so this is life) or something fictional that’s not too heavy. It doesn’t have to be 2,000 pages long, it could even be 5 pages. Whatever floats your boat. Order a book online, see what you have lying about in your home or find an interesting read on Kindle, ask a friend to recommend. You’re not competing with anyone, every word you read will take you further than you were before. That’s what education does and reading is part of that journey. Even if it is just 5 minutes before bed, it will literally give you the best sleep ever but atleast you’ve taken that step. So it’s Progress. Self care and Motivational books are good books to read, especially before bed but I will touch upon this later.
2. Hobbies!
Pick up a hobby, find a skill. What do you love to to do? Draw, bake, cook, sing, dance, play an instrument, make-up, nails, sewing, knitting, martial arts, decorating, photography, planting… and so on. This is the time to develop a hobby/ interest/ skill. Is there something you enjoy doing for leisure or always wanted to do but never go the time? Well now you do, nothing is stopping you. The internet has it all. Even starting a business, Do IT. It is easier said than done but once you start, you’ve already overcome a huge obstacle, so Well Done you! Keeping the mind active is so important when situations like these arise, this is the time to develop yourself and bring out those qualities you put on your CV or application 5 years ago to land a job. Time to shine!
Youtube videos are a great way to learn something, because there are so many people just like you who started a skill and they are probably still learning but the only difference is, they never stopped and they are documenting it. You can learn anything you want, you can start that instagram page, you can learn how to bake that cake, you can learn that insturment you’ve always wanted to. You just have to set aside a time each day dedicated to your study time. Whether that be learning a dance routine, a recipe or the basics of marketing. You just have to make sure you stick to that each day. Which is why having a timetable to follow is beneficial. Doesn’t have to be fancy just monday to sunday and have 6-7 one hour slots and keep food breaks at a regular time. Don’t set your goal to learn gymnastics in 3 days. That’s silly and probably dangerous, please don’t hurt yourself. Give yourself time and to think about how much you want to focus on that actitivity a day. An hour is good. Then put that slot in after your breakfast slot, you’ll be pumped and ready to go.
For those with young kids at home, it is important to spend time with them whilst you can but also don’t forget you need your own time too. Set your kids off on a task and allow independent play but also so that you can be in the same room or near them whilst you’re learning how to draw, play the piano or read. They will enjoy this time and I’m sure you will too.
This is not paid partnership I’m just sharing great stuff; Messy Little Monster is such a great website for perfect at home activities you can do with your childen. (Click Here)
I actually found lists on this website of indoor and outdoor activities you can do with your little ones at home. Click the links for direct access.
3. Communication
Although it is hard to physically keep in touch with people, but we have been ‘blessed’ that we have a lot of advanced technology to allow us to communicate through a screen. Talking to your loved ones in the house is just as important as it is to communicate with those miles away. When was the last time you held a good conversation just about random things. Talk about the future, talk about your dreams, talk about whatever you like but just talk and listen. After a very long time coming, we have been forced to be indoors with people and it has taken a hit for many. People find it hard to sit down and just have a conversation because we are so in the zone of a fast life or wondering about people who have never even heard of you, we forget that we also need to ask our immediate family if they’re okay. The conversations don’t have to be deep, just interact and ask things like what did your dad do 35 years ago on a saturday, or what your mum used to cook with her mum on a friday night. All this is important because this is how we can bond. This is how we can understand each other and undertand their importance in our life. In the midst of all this, pick up the phone and ring the person that you’re missing, don’t tag them in an instagram post that says ” miss being antisocial together with my gals” because thats just lazy and boring and means nothing but a 5 second smirk on your friend’s face. Ring them, check in, what did they do today, what are they cooking? Why not cook together? Keep that bond, you’ll never run out of things to say. Catch up with old friends you actually wished you could meet up with. It sounds silly but have that Costa catchup you’ve been pretending to plan for ages, just do it over a video call- at least you don’t have to go anywhere.
Even if it’s light exercise, yoga, breathing exercises or full on hardcore fitness freak style- break a sweat type of workout, do it. But keep it regular and early. It’s an excuse to get up at a certain time, which is crucial, but also you will feel 10x better than you did, that is guaranteed. When you work out, you can even act like you’re going to the gym, get your gear on, head phones in, set your equipment out ( depending on your workout) get a waterbottle to hand, and knock yourself out. Workout with someone over video, it’s funny but it gives you a boost and you’ll both have that summer body you’ve always wanted. Working out also comes with a healthy diet, I am very guilty of this myself as food is literally life, but as long as you’re not overdoing chocolates and fatty foods, it’s okay. Make sure you’re balancing your diet and you don’t over eat or under eat. Food is important in the right amounts with the occassional treats. They go hand in hand, espcially when working towards a goal, but it can also have an impact on your mental health. Eating unhealthy can make you sad, and demotivated over time and that is the last thing you want. Try your best to stay away from binge eating. Home-cooked meals and meal prepping can be the best way to keep track of what you are eating and that way you can become a master chef and make fun stuff all the time without being bored of it. A win-win situation if you ask me.
5. Self Care
Make time for you. Breathe. Self Reflect. Meditate. Sleep Well. Keep your skin healthy. Drink enough water. Take your vitamins. Do puzzles. Read. Study. Smile. Being at home all day can make you feel so stuck, helpless and lost. It’s all good and well when you’re trying to help others build self- esteem and helping them grow because you feel you have all the love and warmth to give, and do that by all means but everyone one needs me time. If deep inside you feel like you’re taking on burdens and you’re slowly matching their energy, then you know you need to take a step back. For those on the other side of things and you need that boost of motivation and you feel suffocated, unsure where to go, how can you get yourself back up? Then you need to take a step forward. Talk to someone you feel is ready to give you a boost. Sometimes, you do need to unload and that is okay to do. Everyone must remember that the only way you can ‘fix’ yourself is taking that first step by yourself. This is why constant practice of mindfulness and self reflection is so important. It doesn’t take a life time of growing a white beard, running off to a remote loacation in the middle of a jungle and starve yourself until, you hit realisation. No. You just have to take a few mintutes out of the day to listen to the way you breathe and notice yourself and your patterns, your thoughts and feelings. Do you feel good? why? why not? 10 minutes before bed of reading something positive and calming can help massivley. Sitting with just your eyes shut and listening to your surroundings and eventually every beat of the your heart for just 10 to 15 minutes can calm your mind. It can help you focus and gear your mind to a more healthy and positive state. You’ll want to wake up early, you’ll want to bust out your exercise routine, you’ll want to get on with writing your book, finishing that art work, reading those pages, finishing the puzzle, bake that 10 layer cake that looks like the statue of liberty. My point is, this is constant food and fuel for your mind and it’s the healthy kind. Every morning you will feel fresh and your day will become so much more productive.
6. Something Fun?
Making a timetable is so good when you’re at home because it gives you routine. You get up, you get ready, exercise, work, lunch, etc. But, in the middle of that you should look to do something fun, something like a challenge or a game (non social media related); something like design an easter egg, make a show stopper dish, who can make the best painting, play a family game or board games. Do something that involves other people, to take them away from TV/ Social media, some family/friends time. Allocate a time, maybe once a day or once or twice a week you put everything a side and spend a couple of hours doing something together thats fun and gives you a good laugh. Laughter is the best therapy. Dig up that old board game you had 10 years ago and lost some pieces to, and just make something creative with your loved ones. A little break from everything.
There is a lot you can do whilst you’re at home, and it just starts with mentality. Like I said, this is glow up season for all of you. Come out of quarantine developed, happy, radiant and with new skills for yourself. Being at home all day everyday can get very tiring and draining just by doing nothing. Watching netflix all day is not the way forward. Take breaks and learn to relax, yes, for sure, but don’t make it a habit. Wake up nice an early like you would normally, workout, get ready, make yourself feel empowered and yes, that goes for everyone! Don’t forget to take care of yourself, because if you can’t go outside you can definitely go inside and be happy. Be grateful and keep shining.
Please feel free to let me know how you’ve been getting on at home and if you would like any advice, someone to talk to, ideas, recipes, tips and tricks on workouts, lifestyle, skin care then hit me up and leave a comment below or go straight to my Instagram and give me a message 🙂
Make sure you share this to anyone who needs it. Sending my love and positivity around the world. Stay home and Stay safe. x